Monday, October 12, 2009


Is this the first time out?

I am attached to a SEAL team and our assignment is to rescue hostages from a ship controlled by pirates.

The infiltration was successful. They keep coming from here and there like targets in a shooting gallery and all I can think is about how simple and scary it is all at once. My team is working our way through and the bad guys keep shooting at us. I see one of our guys dive down as the bullets are flying past him. I think he's okay, but I can't tell. I am feeling trapped. I can't escape and the only thing to do is keep on fighting. I can see my guy now. He's still down on the ground. He reaches up to me and sound but no words come out. Just then I swing around and shoot at the guy behind me, but he's on my team. The bullets heal like wolverine and I am stunned that my man isn't dead. I have no time to feel bad for the fact that I fragged a member of my own team, or to understand why he's still alive despite my shooting him. Why didn't I recognize him? I look down at our team mate and he has two wounds to the torso. One in the abdomen and one in the chest. The blood is redder than it should be. Is this real? It felt like one of those Frank Miller graphic novels. As the pararescue of the team it falls on me to save him, but I already know that there's nothing I can do. His wounds are fatal and it all seems so pointless. I take out my fluid, which is really just water. I pour it over his wounds and it makes him feel better somehow. He looks up at me and my miraculously still alive team mate, and the life fades away from his eyes. I was helpless to save him and now it will be on my conscience forever. Luckily this is when I woke up and realized that it was all a dream.

1 comment:

  1. Of course now I am wondering if I really was so lucky? This dream haunted me all day today. How did I shoot my own team mate? How as the pararescue member of the team did I just stand there and watch our man die?
