Of course it's important to be happy. To live your life to the fullest and enjoy each moment, knowing that it could be your last.
The desire to be with someone should be second to your desire to be happy and content. Wanting not to be alone is part of our biological coding right? We are all programmed to spread our seed and continue to propagate humanity. Could there be more to it than that?
There are some people in the world who feel it's their mission to make the world a better place. These people don't necessarily believe that making more babies is the answer. They are happy, making the world better, and aren't obsessed over a biological clock.
Some choose to go through the regular motions of every day life, and do their best to be a good person in the process. I find myself in that category and I wonder if I've spent a large part of my life wasting time.
At the end of my twenties I find myself single, never having finished college, and doing a job that seems unnecessary to the betterment of humanity. Granted, I joined the Coast Guard for that reason, but I've come out of that damaged and having not really made any difference.
Now it's back to square one. I accepted years ago that I need to set aside my selfish urges to chase money and power. I decided that happiness was paramount long ago, and that I should be a good person towards others to the best of my ability. Despite that decision which sounds so noble and altruistic, I cannot ignore the urge that is ingrained within me.
I also cannot let it run my life. I don't want to be another person pining for the soul of someone I've never met.
There are some people out there who strike me like a gong when I meet them. I have met many of these spirits, each of them flying through their lives seeking nothing but the moment they are living in. They somehow avoid mourning the events of the past or living always in fear of the future.
These kindred spirits are always on a path, always headed for some destination separate from my own. In today's high tech world I can easily follow along with them on their journeys and they on mine, but the connection we had in the physical world was fleeting, and has long since gone away.